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Master the Battlefield: Call of Duty Ghosts Best Class Guide for Dominating Every Match

Master the Battlefield: Call of Duty Ghosts Best Class Guide for Dominating Every Match

Looking for the best Call of Duty Ghosts class? Check out our guide to dominate the battlefield with the perfect loadout and strategy.

Call of Duty Ghosts is one of the most popular first-person shooter games in the world. It's known for its intense gameplay, stunning graphics, and a thrilling storyline. However, what sets it apart from other games in the market is its diverse range of classes. Each class has its unique set of weapons, perks, and skills, making it essential to pick the right one that suits your playstyle. In this article, we'll be discussing the best class in Call of Duty Ghosts and why it's the go-to choice for players worldwide.

Firstly, let's talk about the Assault class, which is undoubtedly one of the most popular choices amongst players. This class is perfect for those who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. It comes equipped with a range of assault rifles, shotguns, and pistols, making it deadly in close-quarters combat. Additionally, the class has several perks that increase the player's accuracy and speed, allowing them to move around the map quickly and efficiently.

Another great class is the Sniper class, which is perfect for those who prefer a more tactical approach. This class comes equipped with powerful sniper rifles that can take out enemies from long distances. Additionally, the class has several perks that increase the player's accuracy and stealth, making it ideal for players who like to stay hidden and take out their enemies from afar.

The Engineer class is another excellent choice for players who like to use gadgets to gain an advantage. This class comes equipped with a range of equipment such as mines, turrets, and launchers, making it perfect for players who like to set traps for their enemies. Additionally, the class has several perks that increase the effectiveness of their gadgets, making them even deadlier on the battlefield.

The Support class is an excellent choice for players who prefer to take a more defensive approach. This class comes equipped with a range of LMGs and shotguns, making it perfect for players who like to hold down areas of the map. Additionally, the class has several perks that increase the player's health and resistance to damage, making them harder to kill.

The final class we'll be discussing is the Specialist class, which is perfect for players who like to mix things up. This class comes equipped with a range of weapons and perks that can be customized to suit the player's playstyle. Additionally, the class has several unique abilities that can be unlocked as the player earns points, making it even more versatile on the battlefield.

In conclusion, Call of Duty Ghosts has a diverse range of classes that cater to every playstyle. Whether you prefer to get up close and personal with your enemies or take them out from afar, there's a class that suits your needs. However, it's essential to pick the right one as it can make all the difference in the game. So, choose wisely, and happy hunting!


Call of Duty Ghosts is a first-person shooter game that was released in 2013. It is the tenth installment in the Call of Duty franchise, and it has gained a lot of popularity since its release. One of the reasons why players enjoy playing this game is because it offers a wide range of customization options. In this article, we will focus on the best class in Call of Duty Ghosts.

The Assault Class

The Assault class is one of the most popular classes in Call of Duty Ghosts. It is designed for players who enjoy rushing into battle and taking on enemies head-on. The Assault class is well-rounded and can be used effectively in almost any situation. It is equipped with an assault rifle, which is a versatile weapon that can be used for both long-range and close-quarters combat.

The Best Assault Rifle

When it comes to choosing an assault rifle for the Assault class, the Honey Badger is the best choice. It has a built-in suppressor, which makes it a stealthy weapon that can be used to take out enemies without alerting others. It also has a high rate of fire and low recoil, which makes it easy to use in close-quarters combat.

The Best Perks

The perks that are best suited for the Assault class are Sleight of Hand, Quickdraw, and Stalker. Sleight of Hand allows you to reload faster, Quickdraw allows you to aim down sights faster, and Stalker allows you to move faster while aiming down sights. These perks will help you to stay nimble and react quickly in battle.

The Sniper Class

The Sniper class is designed for players who prefer to engage enemies from a distance. It is equipped with a sniper rifle, which is a powerful weapon that can take out enemies with a single shot. The Sniper class is best used for maps that have long sightlines and open spaces.

The Best Sniper Rifle

The best sniper rifle for the Sniper class is the USR. It has a high rate of fire and low recoil, which makes it easy to use. It also has a built-in variable zoom scope, which allows you to switch between long-range and short-range combat quickly.

The Best Perks

The perks that are best suited for the Sniper class are Ready Up, Quickdraw, and Steady Aim. Ready Up allows you to aim down sights faster, Quickdraw allows you to switch weapons faster, and Steady Aim reduces the sway when aiming down sights. These perks will help you to stay accurate and deadly in battle.

The Support Class

The Support class is designed for players who prefer to play a more defensive role. It is equipped with a light machine gun, which is a powerful weapon that can suppress enemies and provide cover fire for your teammates. The Support class is best used for maps that have narrow chokepoints and areas that require heavy firepower.

The Best Light Machine Gun

The best light machine gun for the Support class is the Ameli. It has a high rate of fire and low recoil, which makes it easy to use. It also has a large magazine size, which allows you to suppress enemies for longer periods of time.

The Best Perks

The perks that are best suited for the Support class are Sleight of Hand, Marathon, and Extra Lethal. Sleight of Hand allows you to reload faster, Marathon allows you to sprint for longer periods of time, and Extra Lethal allows you to carry an additional lethal grenade. These perks will help you to stay aggressive and provide cover fire for your teammates.

The Specialist Class

The Specialist class is designed for players who prefer to play a more tactical role. It is equipped with a pistol as its primary weapon, which is a versatile weapon that can be used in almost any situation. The Specialist class is best used for maps that require quick thinking and strategic planning.

The Best Pistol

The best pistol for the Specialist class is the PDW. It has a high rate of fire and low recoil, which makes it easy to use. It also has a built-in suppressor, which makes it a stealthy weapon that can be used to take out enemies without alerting others.

The Best Perks

The perks that are best suited for the Specialist class are Lightweight, Ghost, and Dead Silence. Lightweight allows you to move faster, Ghost makes you invisible to enemy UAVs, and Dead Silence makes your footsteps silent. These perks will help you to stay stealthy and outmaneuver your enemies.


In conclusion, the best class in Call of Duty Ghosts depends on your playstyle and the map that you are playing on. The Assault class is best for players who enjoy rushing into battle, the Sniper class is best for players who prefer to engage enemies from a distance, the Support class is best for players who prefer to play a more defensive role, and the Specialist class is best for players who prefer to play a more tactical role. Regardless of which class you choose, make sure to experiment with different weapons and perks to find the setup that works best for you.

The Best Class in Call of Duty Ghosts: A Comprehensive Guide

Call of Duty Ghosts is a first-person shooter game that has been loved by players all over the world. It offers a variety of weapons, perks, and attachments that can be used to create a customized loadout for every playstyle. In this article, we will discuss the best class in Call of Duty Ghosts, focusing on the top weapons, perks, and attachments that will give you the edge in multiplayer.

The Best Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Ghosts

Assault rifles are versatile weapons that can be used in a variety of situations. They offer a good balance between accuracy, range, and damage. If you're looking for the best assault rifle in Call of Duty Ghosts, look no further than the Remington R5.

The Remington R5 is a top choice for marksmen because of its high accuracy and low recoil. It has a fast fire rate and can take down enemies quickly. The weapon's iron sights are also easy to use, making it a great choice for beginners and experienced players alike.

Why the Remington R5 is a Top Choice for Marksmen

The Remington R5 is the perfect choice for marksmen because of its high accuracy. The weapon's low recoil makes it easy to control, even when firing in rapid succession. The R5 also has a fast fire rate, which means you can take down enemies quickly before they have a chance to react.

Another advantage of the Remington R5 is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of situations, from long-range sniping to close-quarters combat. The weapon's iron sights are also easy to use, which makes it a great choice for players who prefer to rely on their aim rather than optics.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Perks in Your Loadout

Perks are an essential part of any loadout in Call of Duty Ghosts. They offer a variety of benefits, such as increased movement speed, faster reload times, and reduced recoil. Choosing the right perks for your playstyle can give you a significant advantage in multiplayer.

One of the most important perks to consider is Quickdraw. This perk allows you to aim down sights faster, which can be the difference between life and death in a firefight. Another useful perk is Sleight of Hand, which reduces the time it takes to reload your weapon.

If you're looking to increase your mobility, consider using Marathon or Lightweight. Marathon gives you unlimited sprint, which can be useful for getting around the map quickly. Lightweight reduces your overall weight, which makes you move faster and quieter.

The Lethal Power of the Honey Badger SMG

SMGs are great weapons for close-quarters combat. They offer high damage and fast fire rates, making them deadly in the hands of a skilled player. If you're looking for the best SMG in Call of Duty Ghosts, look no further than the Honey Badger.

The Honey Badger is a lethal weapon that offers high damage and fast fire rates. It also has a built-in silencer, which makes it a great choice for players who want to stay hidden while they take down enemies. The weapon's iron sights are also easy to use, which makes it a great choice for players who prefer not to use optics.

Is the L115 Sniper Rifle Worth the Investment?

Sniper rifles are popular weapons in Call of Duty Ghosts because of their long-range capabilities. They offer high damage and can take down enemies from a distance. If you're looking for the best sniper rifle in Call of Duty Ghosts, the L115 is a top choice.

The L115 offers high damage and long-range capabilities. It also has low recoil, which makes it easy to control. However, the L115 is expensive, and it may not be worth the investment if you're not a skilled sniper. If you're new to sniping, consider using a different weapon until you've honed your skills.

The Tactical Advantages of the Riot Shield

The riot shield is a unique weapon in Call of Duty Ghosts. It offers a variety of tactical advantages, such as protection from enemy fire and the ability to knock down enemies. If you're looking for a weapon that can give you an edge in multiplayer, consider using the riot shield.

The riot shield is particularly useful in objective-based game modes, such as Domination and Hardpoint. It can be used to protect yourself while capturing objectives or to block off areas of the map. The riot shield can also be used to knock down enemies, giving you the opportunity to take them out with a secondary weapon.

The Benefits of Using the Thermal Scope Attachment

The thermal scope attachment is a powerful tool in Call of Duty Ghosts. It allows you to see enemies through walls and other objects, giving you a significant advantage in multiplayer. If you're looking for a way to gain an edge over your opponents, consider using the thermal scope attachment.

The thermal scope attachment is particularly useful in maps with a lot of cover, such as Strikezone and Octane. It allows you to see enemies hiding behind walls and other objects, giving you the opportunity to take them out before they have a chance to react. The thermal scope attachment is also useful for detecting enemies using stealth perks, such as Ghost.

The Best Secondary Weapon Options for Every Playstyle

Secondary weapons are an important part of any loadout in Call of Duty Ghosts. They offer a backup weapon in case you run out of ammo or need to switch to a different playstyle. If you're looking for the best secondary weapon options, consider using the following:

  • Pistol: The P226 is a great choice for players who want a reliable backup weapon. It offers high damage and accuracy, making it deadly in the hands of a skilled player.
  • Launcher: The SMAW is a great choice for players who want to take out enemy scorestreaks. It can also be used to take out groups of enemies in objective-based game modes.
  • Knife: The Combat Knife is a great choice for players who want to get up close and personal with their enemies. It offers a one-hit kill when used from behind, making it a deadly weapon in the right hands.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Grenade for Your Loadout

Grenades are an essential part of any loadout in Call of Duty Ghosts. They offer a way to take out groups of enemies or to flush out enemies hiding behind cover. If you're looking for the best grenade options, consider using the following:

  • Frag Grenade: The Frag Grenade is a great choice for players who want to take out groups of enemies. It offers high damage and a wide blast radius, making it a deadly weapon in the right hands.
  • Smoke Grenade: The Smoke Grenade is a great choice for players who want to provide cover for their team. It can be used to block off areas of the map or to obscure enemy vision.
  • Stun Grenade: The Stun Grenade is a great choice for players who want to disable enemy movement. It can be used to slow down enemies or to give you the opportunity to take them out with your primary or secondary weapon.

Why the Specialist Strike Package Can Give You the Edge in Multiplayer

The Specialist Strike Package is a powerful tool in Call of Duty Ghosts. It offers a variety of benefits, such as increased movement speed and reduced flinch. If you're looking for a way to gain an edge over your opponents, consider using the Specialist Strike Package.

The Specialist Strike Package is particularly useful for players who are skilled at getting kills. It allows you to unlock additional perks as you get kills, which can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. The Specialist Strike Package also allows you to earn points towards your scorestreaks, even if you're not using a traditional scorestreak loadout.


The best class in Call of Duty Ghosts is one that is customized to your playstyle. By using the top weapons, perks, and attachments we've discussed in this article, you can create a loadout that gives you the edge in multiplayer. Remember to choose weapons that work well in a variety of situations, and to choose perks that complement your playstyle. With the right loadout, you'll be able to take down enemies and dominate the battlefield.

Call of Duty Ghosts Best Class: Point of View


As a fan of Call of Duty Ghosts, I have spent countless hours playing the game and experimenting with different classes. In my opinion, the best class in the game is the Assault class. In this article, I will discuss the pros and cons of this class and provide a table comparison of its features.

Pros of Assault Class

  1. Weaponry: Assault class has access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game. The ARX-160 assault rifle and the Honey Badger SMG are two examples of weapons that can take down enemies with ease.
  2. Perks: The Assault class has some of the best perks in the game. Quickdraw, which allows you to aim down sights faster, and Sleight of Hand, which increases reload speed, are two perks that can give you an edge over your opponents.
  3. Killstreaks: Assault class has access to some of the most lethal killstreaks in the game. The Trinity Rocket and the Helo Scout are two examples of killstreaks that can turn the tide of a match.

Cons of Assault Class

  1. Mobility: Assault class is not as mobile as other classes like the SMG or the Marksman class. This means that you may struggle to move quickly around the map and get into advantageous positions.
  2. Range: Assault class weapons are not as effective at long range as other classes like the Marksman or Sniper class. This means that you may struggle to take out enemies who are far away from you.

Table Comparison of Assault Class Features

Feature Assault Class SMG Class Marksman Class
Weaponry Powerful assault rifles and SMGs Fast-firing SMGs Long-range rifles
Perks Quickdraw, Sleight of Hand Steady Aim, Lightweight Focus, Stalker
Killstreaks Trinity Rocket, Helo Scout Satellite Drone, Guard Dog Riley, K.E.M. Strike


In conclusion, the Assault class is the best class in Call of Duty Ghosts due to its powerful weapons, strong perks, and lethal killstreaks. However, it does have some drawbacks such as limited mobility and range. Ultimately, the best class for you will depend on your playstyle and preferences.

Conclusion: The Best Class for Call of Duty Ghosts

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best class for Call of Duty Ghosts. We hope that you found the information and strategies provided helpful in improving your gameplay experience.In conclusion, we recommend that you experiment with different loadouts and find the one that best suits your playstyle. Whether you prefer a more aggressive approach or a defensive one, there are several options available to you in Call of Duty Ghosts.Don't be afraid to try out new weapons, perks, and attachments to see what works best for you. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep playing and refining your skills.It's also important to remember that teamwork is crucial in Call of Duty Ghosts. Coordinate with your teammates and communicate effectively to achieve victory.Lastly, always be aware of your surroundings and adapt to the changing gameplay conditions. Stay alert and stay alive!We hope that our article has provided you with valuable insights into creating the best class for Call of Duty Ghosts. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game! Thank you for visiting our blog, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

People Also Ask About Call of Duty Ghosts Best Class

What is the best class setup in Call of Duty Ghosts?

The best class setup in Call of Duty Ghosts depends on your playing style. However, the following class setup is considered one of the best:

  • Primary Weapon: Honey Badger with silencer and extended mags
  • Secondary Weapon: P226 with tactical knife
  • Lethal Equipment: Semtex
  • Tactical Equipment: Concussion Grenade
  • Perk 1: Ready Up
  • Perk 2: Sleight of Hand
  • Perk 3: Dead Silence
  • Killstreaks: Sat Com, Trinity Rocket, and Vulture

How can I improve my gameplay in Call of Duty Ghosts?

To improve your gameplay in Call of Duty Ghosts, you can try the following:

  1. Practice using different weapons and find the ones that suit your playstyle.
  2. Learn the maps and their layouts to know where enemies may be hiding.
  3. Use perks and equipment to your advantage.
  4. Communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks.
  5. Keep moving and avoid staying in one place for too long.

What are some good weapons to use in Call of Duty Ghosts?

Some good weapons to use in Call of Duty Ghosts include:

  • Honey Badger
  • AK-12
  • Vector CRB
  • Maverick
  • Remington R5
  • USR sniper rifle

What are some good perks to use in Call of Duty Ghosts?

Some good perks to use in Call of Duty Ghosts include:

  • Ready Up
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Dead Silence
  • Stalker
  • Focus
  • Quickdraw