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Unleashing the Fun: Dive into Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes for a Memorable Gaming Experience!

Unleashing the Fun: Dive into Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes for a Memorable Gaming Experience!

Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes: Your ultimate guide to the hilarious and insightful Let's Play channel featuring the dynamic duo of Matt and Pat.

Super Best Friends Play is a popular YouTube channel where four friends, Matt, Pat, Woolie, and Liam, come together to share their love for video games. The channel has gained a massive following over the years, with fans tuning in to watch the group play games and provide commentary. However, what makes Super Best Friends Play stand out from other gaming channels is their use of TV Tropes.

TV Tropes is a website that catalogs and analyzes various storytelling devices used in literature, film, and other forms of media. It's a valuable resource for writers and critics alike, but Super Best Friends Play takes it to a whole new level by incorporating it into their commentary. They use TV Tropes to deconstruct and analyze the games they play, pointing out common tropes and how they're used in the game's story and gameplay.

One of the most interesting things about Super Best Friends Play's use of TV Tropes is how it adds another layer to their commentary. Instead of just talking about the game's mechanics or story, they dive deeper into the game's themes and motifs. This allows them to provide a more nuanced analysis of the game and its place in the larger cultural landscape.

For example, in their playthrough of the game Persona 5, the Super Best Friends use TV Tropes to analyze the game's use of the Magical Realism trope. They discuss how the game uses fantastical elements to explore real-world issues, such as corruption in politics and society's treatment of marginalized groups. By using TV Tropes, they're able to provide a more in-depth analysis of the game's themes and how they relate to the player's experience.

Another interesting aspect of Super Best Friends Play's use of TV Tropes is how it allows them to make connections between different games and media. They often reference other games, movies, and TV shows when discussing a particular trope, showing how it's used across different forms of media. This not only provides a more comprehensive analysis of the trope but also adds another layer of entertainment for viewers who are familiar with the references.

Furthermore, Super Best Friends Play's use of TV Tropes has helped to create a community around the channel. Fans often contribute their own analyses and observations on the group's subreddit, furthering the discussion and creating a space for like-minded individuals to come together.

However, while their use of TV Tropes is undoubtedly a unique aspect of the channel, it's not the only reason why Super Best Friends Play has gained such a massive following. The group's chemistry and banter are also a huge part of what makes their content so enjoyable to watch.

Each member of the group brings their own personality and sense of humor to the channel, creating a dynamic that keeps viewers engaged and entertained. Whether they're riffing on the game's dialogue or making jokes at each other's expense, there's never a dull moment on Super Best Friends Play.

Moreover, the group's commitment to producing quality content has also contributed to their success. They consistently upload new videos, often multiple times a week, and put in the effort to make sure each video is well-produced and edited.

In conclusion, Super Best Friends Play's use of TV Tropes adds another layer of depth and analysis to their already entertaining content. By incorporating this tool into their commentary, they're able to provide a more nuanced understanding of the games they play and create a space for discussion and analysis within their community. However, it's not just their use of TV Tropes that makes them so popular - their chemistry, humor, and commitment to quality content are also key factors in their success.


Super Best Friends Play (SBFP) is a popular YouTube channel that features five friends playing video games and providing commentary. The group, consisting of Matt, Pat, Woolie, Liam, and formerly, Zaibatsu, has been entertaining fans since 2010. Over the years, they have become known for their humor, unique personalities, and love of all things gaming. One aspect of their content that has gained particular attention is the use of TV Tropes. In this article, we will explore the use of TV Tropes in SBFP's videos and how it adds to the overall experience.

What are TV Tropes?

TV Tropes are recurring themes or devices used in storytelling. They can be found in all forms of media, including movies, TV shows, and video games. Some examples of TV Tropes include the Damsel in Distress, The Chosen One, and Evil Twin. These tropes are often used to add depth to characters or plotlines and can be a useful tool for writers.

How SBFP Uses TV Tropes

SBFP's use of TV Tropes is twofold. Firstly, the group often references various tropes during their gameplay commentary. For example, when playing a game with a Damsel in Distress storyline, they may point out the trope and discuss how it is being used in the game. This adds a layer of analysis to their content and allows viewers to see the games they are playing in a new light.Secondly, SBFP uses TV Tropes as a way to categorize their videos. Each video on their channel is labeled with various tropes that are relevant to the content. This allows viewers to easily find videos that feature specific themes or elements. For example, if a viewer enjoys videos that feature the Big Bad trope, they can search for videos tagged with that trope and find content that they will enjoy.

Examples of TV Tropes in SBFP's Videos

SBFP's use of TV Tropes can be seen in many of their videos. For example, in their Let's Play of Heavy Rain, they discuss the Interactive Movie trope and how it is used in the game. They also explore the Red Herring trope and how it is used to mislead the player.In their Two Best Friends Play series, they often use the Jump Scare trope to create humorous moments. They also frequently reference the Badass Boast trope, which is used by characters in media to make bold statements about their abilities.

The Benefits of Using TV Tropes

The use of TV Tropes in SBFP's videos has several benefits. Firstly, it adds an extra layer of analysis to their content. By discussing and pointing out various tropes, viewers are able to see the games they are playing in a new light. This can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the games.Secondly, the use of TV Tropes allows viewers to easily find content that they will enjoy. By tagging their videos with various tropes, viewers can quickly find videos that feature themes or elements that they are interested in.

The Drawbacks of Using TV Tropes

While the use of TV Tropes in SBFP's videos has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks. One potential issue is that viewers may become too focused on identifying tropes and miss out on other aspects of the content. Additionally, viewers who are not familiar with TV Tropes may feel left out or confused by the references.


Overall, the use of TV Tropes in SBFP's videos adds to the overall experience and provides viewers with a new way to analyze and appreciate the games they are playing. While there are some drawbacks to using TV Tropes, the benefits outweigh them. As the group continues to create content, it will be interesting to see how they continue to use TV Tropes in their videos.

The Origin Story of Super Best Friends Play

Super Best Friends Play (SBFP) is a popular YouTube channel that features four friends playing video games and providing hilarious commentary. The channel was created in 2010 by Matt Kowalewski and Pat Boivin, who were both fans of the popular gaming website, Giant Bomb. They decided to create their own channel after being inspired by the website's video content.

The first video uploaded on the channel was a Let's Play of the game, Deadly Premonition. Matt and Pat's unique brand of humor and chemistry instantly appealed to viewers, and the channel quickly gained a following. In 2011, they were joined by Woolie Madden, a friend of Pat's who had a similar passion for gaming and comedy. Together, the trio became known as the Super Best Friends.

The fourth member of the group, Liam Allen-Miller, joined in 2012 after responding to a fan request to play a game with the group. Liam quickly became a regular member of the channel, and the quartet continued to make hilarious and entertaining videos for their growing fanbase.

The Dynamic Duo: Pat and Woolie's Friendship

One of the most beloved aspects of SBFP is the dynamic between Pat and Woolie. The two have been friends since childhood and their chemistry is evident in their videos. They often play off each other's jokes and provide hilarious commentary on the games they play.

Despite their close friendship, Pat and Woolie have very different personalities. Pat is known for his quick wit and abrasive humor, while Woolie is more laid back and introspective. However, their differences only serve to enhance their dynamic and make for even more entertaining content.

One of the most memorable moments between the two occurred during a Let's Play of the game, Metal Gear Solid 4. Pat accidentally skipped a cutscene, causing Woolie to become visibly upset. The moment became a running joke on the channel and is still referenced by fans to this day.

The Comedic Genius of Matt and Pat

Matt and Pat are the two original members of SBFP and are known for their comedic prowess. Matt is often the straight man to Pat's more outlandish jokes, but he is just as hilarious in his own right. The two have a natural chemistry that makes their videos incredibly entertaining to watch.

One of the most iconic moments of SBFP occurred during a Let's Play of the game, Omikron: The Nomad Soul. In the game, the character's name can be changed to anything the player chooses. Matt and Pat decided to name the character, David Cage, after the game's creator. The joke quickly evolved into an entire persona for the character, complete with a French accent and bizarre behavior. The David Cage persona has become a staple of SBFP's content and is still referenced by fans today.

The Evolution of the Super Best Friends Play Channel

SBFP has come a long way since its inception in 2010. The channel started out as a hobby for Matt and Pat, but quickly turned into a full-time job. As the channel grew in popularity, the group began to experiment with different types of content.

One of the most successful series on the channel is the Super Best Friendcast, a podcast where the group discusses various topics such as gaming news, movies, and pop culture. The podcast has been running since 2011 and has amassed a dedicated following.

The group has also dabbled in live streaming, with regular streams on Twitch and YouTube. They have also released merchandise, including t-shirts and posters, for their fans to purchase.

The Impact of Super Best Friends Play on the Gaming Community

SBFP has had a significant impact on the gaming community. Their unique brand of humor and entertaining commentary has made them beloved by fans all over the world. They have inspired countless other content creators to start their own channels and have even been referenced in popular video games such as Yakuza 0.

The group has also been vocal about social issues, often using their platform to speak out against injustice and inequality. They have raised money for various charities and have advocated for causes such as LGBTQ+ rights and mental health awareness.

The Memorable Moments and Inside Jokes of Super Best Friends Play

One of the most beloved aspects of SBFP is the inside jokes and memorable moments that have occurred throughout the years. Fans often quote lines from their videos and create fan art based on their favorite moments.

One of the most iconic moments occurred during a Let's Play of the game, Beyond: Two Souls. The character, Jodie, was shown eating a plate of food and the group began to speculate about what was on the plate. This led to the creation of the infamous Woolie Hole, a fictional food item that has become a running joke on the channel.

Another memorable moment occurred during a Let's Play of the game, Heavy Rain. The group was tasked with completing a series of button prompts to save a character from drowning. Matt struggled to complete the prompts, leading to the character's death. The group's reactions to the event became a viral meme and is still referenced by fans today.

The Best Games Played on Super Best Friends Play

SBFP has played countless games throughout the years, but there are a few that stand out as fan favorites. One of the most popular series is the Dark Souls trilogy, which features the group struggling through the difficult and punishing gameplay of the series.

Another beloved series is the Yakuza series, which features the group exploring the wild and wacky world of the Japanese crime drama franchise. The group's reactions to the bizarre and over-the-top moments in the game have become some of the most iconic moments on the channel.

The Controversies Surrounding Super Best Friends Play

Despite their popularity, SBFP has had its fair share of controversies over the years. In 2018, Liam left the group after it was revealed that he had been involved in an inappropriate relationship with a fan. The group released a statement condemning his actions and stating that they did not condone or support such behavior.

The group has also been criticized for their use of language and humor, with some fans accusing them of being insensitive or offensive. However, the group has always maintained that their humor is meant to be taken in jest and that they do not condone any form of bigotry or hate speech.

The Legacy of Super Best Friends Play

SBFP has left a lasting legacy on the gaming community. Their unique brand of humor and entertaining commentary has inspired countless other content creators and has made them beloved by fans all over the world.

The group's dedication to social issues and charity work has also made them an important voice in the community. They have used their platform to promote positive change and have made a difference in the lives of many people.

The Future of Super Best Friends Play and Its Members

While the group officially disbanded in 2018, the members have continued to pursue their own projects. Pat has continued to make content on his own YouTube channel and has also started a successful Twitch stream. Woolie has started his own podcast network and has continued to create content on his YouTube channel.

Matt has largely stepped away from content creation, but has occasionally appeared on other channels and podcasts. Liam has also continued to make content on his own YouTube channel and has been involved in various charity events.

Despite the group's separation, their legacy lives on. They will always be remembered as one of the most entertaining and beloved groups in the gaming community.

Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes: A Point of View


Super Best Friends Play (SBFP) is a popular YouTube channel that features four friends playing video games and providing commentary. The show has gained a massive following over the years, due in part to the unique chemistry between the hosts and their ability to combine humor and insight into their gameplay. However, like any media property, SBFP has its pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes.

Pros of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes

1. Entertaining Content: SBFP offers a fun and engaging viewing experience for viewers. The hosts' witty banter and commentary add an extra layer of entertainment to the gameplay.

2. Gaming Expertise: The hosts are knowledgeable about video games and often provide insightful commentary regarding game mechanics, storylines, and other aspects of gaming.

3. Variety of Content: SBFP offers a wide range of content, including Let's Plays, reviews, and podcasts. This variety ensures that viewers can always find something that interests them.

4. Community Interaction: The SBFP community is known for being friendly and welcoming to new members. The hosts often interact with fans through social media and live streams, creating a sense of community among viewers.

Cons of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes

1. Offensive Humor: Some viewers may find the humor on SBFP offensive or inappropriate. The hosts occasionally make jokes that could be viewed as insensitive or offensive.

2. Limited Diversity: The hosts of SBFP are all white men, which may limit the diversity of perspectives and experiences presented on the show.

3. Inconsistent Upload Schedule: SBFP's upload schedule can be inconsistent at times, which may frustrate viewers who are looking for regular content.

4. Limited Accessibility: Some viewers may find SBFP's content inaccessible due to language barriers or a lack of interest in gaming-related content.

Table Comparison of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes

Pros Cons
Entertaining Content Offensive Humor
Gaming Expertise Limited Diversity
Variety of Content Inconsistent Upload Schedule
Community Interaction Limited Accessibility


Overall, Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes offers an entertaining viewing experience for fans of video games and humor. While the show has its pros and cons, it has built a loyal following over the years and continues to provide unique content for its viewers.

Goodbye Visitors: Let's Recap Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes

It's been a blast exploring the world of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes with you. We've taken a deep dive into the intricacies of this YouTube channel and its unique brand of humor. From their beginnings as a simple let's play channel to their rise as one of the most beloved gaming communities on the internet, we've covered it all.

We started by discussing the origins of the Super Best Friends, how they met, and how they decided to start making content together. From there, we explored some of their most popular series, including their playthroughs of classic games like Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill 2. We also talked about some of their more niche content, such as their fighting game tournaments and their ongoing D&D campaign.

But what really sets Super Best Friends Play apart from other gaming channels is their irreverent sense of humor. They're not afraid to push boundaries, make offensive jokes, or get a little bit weird. And while that approach might not be for everyone, it's clear that it resonates with their fans. The Super Best Friends have built a community that feels like a family, and that's something that's truly special.

In our exploration of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes, we also looked at some of the tropes that the channel has become known for. From their love of wrestling references to their constant bickering, these tropes are what make the Super Best Friends so unique. They're a channel that's full of surprises, and that's part of what keeps their fans coming back for more.

Of course, we couldn't talk about Super Best Friends Play without mentioning the controversies that have surrounded the channel over the years. From accusations of racism and sexism to their messy breakup in 2018, there's no denying that the Super Best Friends have had their fair share of drama. But even in the face of adversity, they've managed to maintain a loyal fanbase and continue to produce content that people love.

As we say goodbye, it's worth reflecting on what makes Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes so special. Yes, they're a group of friends who like to play video games and make jokes. But they're also a community that's built on inclusivity, acceptance, and a shared love of all things nerdy. They've created a space where people can be themselves, and that's something that's truly remarkable.

So, thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the channel, I hope you've learned something new and gained a deeper appreciation for what the Super Best Friends have created. And who knows? Maybe we'll see them reunite someday and continue to make us laugh and cringe in equal measure.

Until then, keep on gaming, keep on laughing, and keep on being the awesome person you are. See you next time!

People Also Ask About Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes

What is Super Best Friends Play?

Super Best Friends Play is a YouTube channel and website created by four friends, Matt, Pat, Woolie, and Liam. They produce Let's Play videos, reviews, podcasts, and other content related to video games and pop culture.

What are TV Tropes?

TV Tropes is a wiki-style website that catalogs and analyzes storytelling devices and conventions used in various media, including television, movies, literature, and video games. It aims to provide a comprehensive and entertaining resource for understanding and dissecting the language of storytelling.

How are Super Best Friends Play and TV Tropes related?

Super Best Friends Play has a page on TV Tropes that lists various tropes associated with the channel and its hosts. These tropes include character archetypes, running gags, and recurring themes that have emerged from their videos and podcasts over the years.

What are some examples of tropes associated with Super Best Friends Play?

Some of the tropes listed on the Super Best Friends Play TV Tropes page include:

  • The Big Guy: Woolie is often portrayed as the tough and imposing member of the group.
  • Berserk Button: The hosts have various topics and subjects that can set them off, such as bad game design, poor voice acting, or offensive content.
  • Bromantic Foil: Each member of the group has a distinct personality and dynamic with the others, creating different types of bromance and rivalry.
  • Running Gag: There are many ongoing jokes and references that have become part of the Super Best Friends Play lexicon, such as Woolie Hole, Matt McMuscles, and Two Best Friends Play.

What is the legacy of Super Best Friends Play on TV Tropes?

Super Best Friends Play has had a significant impact on the TV Tropes community, both as a subject of analysis and as a source of inspiration for other creators. Their unique blend of humor, insight, and enthusiasm for video games has earned them a dedicated following and cemented their place in the pantheon of online content creators.