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Discover the Top Locations for Making Cannonballs in OSRS: Boost Your Skills Now!

Discover the Top Locations for Making Cannonballs in OSRS: Boost Your Skills Now!

Discover the ultimate spot for making cannonballs in OSRS. Maximize your profits and experience gains with this top location.

If you're an avid player of Old School RuneScape, then you know that making cannonballs is an essential part of the game. Not only do they help you level up your smithing skill, but they're also a valuable item that can be sold for a decent profit. However, not all places to make cannonballs are created equal. In this article, we'll explore the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS and provide you with tips and tricks to maximize your efficiency.

First and foremost, the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS is at the Blast Furnace. Located in the dwarven city of Keldagrim, the Blast Furnace is a massive furnace that can smelt various types of metal at an accelerated rate. It's the perfect place to make cannonballs because it speeds up the process significantly, allowing you to create more cannonballs in less time.

But why is the Blast Furnace so much better than other locations? For starters, it has a higher success rate than other furnaces, meaning you're less likely to fail when making cannonballs. Additionally, it requires less coal to operate, which saves you money in the long run. And perhaps most importantly, the Blast Furnace has a designated area for players to make cannonballs, which means you won't have to compete with other players for space.

Now that we've established that the Blast Furnace is the best place to make cannonballs, let's talk about how to maximize your efficiency while you're there. One of the most important things you can do is bring a coal bag with you. This will allow you to carry more coal at once, which means you won't have to make as many trips to the bank to restock. You can purchase a coal bag from the Motherlode Mine for 100 golden nuggets.

Another way to increase your efficiency is to use a dwarf cannon. While this may seem counterintuitive since you're already making cannonballs, using a dwarf cannon will save you time by killing the nearby dwarves for you. This means you won't have to stop what you're doing to fight off attackers and can focus solely on making cannonballs.

When it comes to actually making the cannonballs, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you have a hammer in your inventory at all times. You'll need it to repair the pipes that run through the Blast Furnace. Second, try to keep your coal and iron ore evenly balanced. This will help ensure that you don't run out of either material before the other, which can slow down your production.

In addition to these tips, there are a few other things you can do to make the most of your time at the Blast Furnace. For example, consider joining a clan chat or finding a group of players to make cannonballs with. This can help keep you motivated and make the experience more enjoyable. Additionally, try to take breaks every so often to avoid burnout. Making cannonballs can be a repetitive task, so it's important to give yourself a breather every now and then.

All in all, the Blast Furnace is hands down the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS. It offers a higher success rate, requires less coal, and has a designated area for making cannonballs. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can maximize your efficiency and level up your smithing skill in no time.

The Importance of Cannonballs in OSRS

Cannonballs are an essential item in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) for those who want to train their Ranged skill. They are used as ammunition for the Dwarf multicannon, a powerful weapon that can deal massive damage to enemies. However, making cannonballs is not an easy task, as it requires both high Smithing level and a lot of resources. In this article, we will discuss the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS and how to do it efficiently.

Requirements for Making Cannonballs

Before we delve into the best place to make cannonballs, let's first take a look at the requirements for making them. To make cannonballs, you need to have a Smithing level of at least 35, which allows you to smelt steel bars. You also need to have completed the Dwarf Cannon quest, which unlocks the ability to use the Dwarf multicannon. In addition, you need to have access to a furnace and an anvil, as well as a hammer to craft the cannonballs.

Materials Needed for Making Cannonballs

To make cannonballs, you need to have steel bars, which can be obtained by smelting iron ore and coal together in a furnace. Each steel bar yields four cannonballs when crafted on an anvil, so you need to have a lot of steel bars to make a significant number of cannonballs. It's also a good idea to bring some cash with you, as you may need to purchase more steel bars from the Grand Exchange or other players.

The Best Place to Make Cannonballs

The best place to make cannonballs in OSRS is at the Blast Furnace, located in Keldagrim. This is because the Blast Furnace provides a 100% success rate for smelting steel bars, which means that you don't need to worry about wasting resources. In addition, the Blast Furnace also has a conveyor belt system that automatically moves the bars and finished products, making the process much faster and more efficient.

How to Get to the Blast Furnace

To get to the Blast Furnace, you first need to travel to Keldagrim, which can be done by taking a mine cart from the Grand Exchange or walking there from Rellekka. Once you're in Keldagrim, head to the Blast Furnace building and talk to the operator to get started. You will need to pay a fee of 2500 coins to use the Blast Furnace, but this is well worth it considering the benefits it provides.

The Process of Making Cannonballs at the Blast Furnace

Once you're at the Blast Furnace, the process of making cannonballs is relatively simple. First, deposit your steel bars into the hopper located near the furnace. Then, use the controls next to the hopper to start the furnace and activate the conveyor belt system. The bars will be automatically smelted and moved to the anvil, where you can craft them into cannonballs. Once you have crafted as many cannonballs as you want, use the nearby bank chest to deposit them into your bank.

Efficiency Tips for Making Cannonballs

To make the most out of your time at the Blast Furnace, there are a few efficiency tips you should keep in mind. Firstly, always bring a coal bag with you, which allows you to carry up to 27 pieces of coal at once. This minimizes the number of trips you need to make to the bank to refill your coal supply. Secondly, consider using the Superheat spell or a Ring of forging, which increases the success rate of smelting steel bars. Lastly, try to find a world with a high population of players at the Blast Furnace, as this means that the conveyor belt system will be moving faster.

Alternative Places to Make Cannonballs

If you don't have access to the Blast Furnace or simply don't want to use it, there are a few alternative places to make cannonballs in OSRS. One option is to use a regular furnace and anvil, which can be found in various locations throughout the game. This method is slower and less efficient than using the Blast Furnace, but it's still a viable option if you're unable to access Keldagrim.

The Cost of Making Cannonballs

Making cannonballs in OSRS can be expensive, especially if you're purchasing all of the materials from the Grand Exchange. At the current market prices, it costs around 198 coins to make one cannonball, which means that crafting a large number of them can quickly drain your bank account. However, if you're willing to put in the time and effort to gather your own materials, you can significantly reduce the cost of making cannonballs.

Uses for Cannonballs

Finally, let's take a look at some of the uses for cannonballs in OSRS. As previously mentioned, they are primarily used as ammunition for the Dwarf multicannon, which is a popular weapon for training Ranged. They can also be used to create cannonball stacks, which can be sold for a profit or used in certain quests. Additionally, cannonballs can be used to create the Cannonballer achievement, which requires the player to fire a certain number of cannonballs from a Dwarf multicannon.


Making cannonballs in OSRS is a useful skill to have, especially if you're looking to train your Ranged quickly. The Blast Furnace in Keldagrim is the best place to make cannonballs, as it provides a 100% success rate and a conveyor belt system that makes the process faster and more efficient. However, if you're unable to access the Blast Furnace, there are alternative options available. With some preparation and knowledge, you can become a master at making cannonballs in no time.The game Old School RuneScape (OSRS) offers players a range of activities to engage in, from combat to crafting. However, one activity that stands out as a particularly lucrative and satisfying undertaking is making cannonballs. Cannonballs are an essential item in OSRS, used for training the Ranged skill and for boss fights. In this article, we will explore the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS, providing tips and tricks to help you maximize your profits.

Finding the Right Furnace

The first step in making cannonballs is finding the right furnace. The furnace is where you will smelt iron bars, which are the primary material needed to make cannonballs. There are several furnaces scattered throughout the game, but some are better than others.The best furnace to use for making cannonballs is the one located in Edgeville. This furnace is conveniently located near a bank and is easily accessible. Additionally, it is close to the Grand Exchange, where you can sell your cannonballs for a profit.

Materials Needed to Make Cannonballs

Before you start making cannonballs, you will need to gather some materials. The primary material needed to make cannonballs is iron bars. You will also need a hammer and a steel bar to create a cannonball mold.

Best Locations to Obtain Raw Materials

To make cannonballs efficiently, you will need to obtain raw materials quickly. There are several locations in the game where you can obtain these materials.The best location to mine iron ore is the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild is located in Falador and requires a mining level of 60 to enter. Once inside, you will find several iron rocks to mine. If you do not have a mining level of 60, you can still find iron rocks in other locations, such as the Al Kharid mine or the Dwarven Mine.To obtain steel bars, you will need to smelt iron ore and coal together at a furnace. The best location to mine coal is the Mining Guild as well. However, coal can also be found in several other locations such as the Barbarian Village mine, the Mining Guild south-west mine, and the Lumbridge Swamp.

Tips for Mining Iron Ore

Mining iron ore efficiently is essential when making cannonballs. Here are some tips to help you mine iron ore quickly:- Use a pickaxe that corresponds to your mining level.- Bring a charged amulet of glory to teleport to Edgeville if needed.- Use stamina potions to increase your run energy and reduce the amount of time spent walking between rocks.

Smelting Iron Bars

Once you have mined enough iron ore, it's time to smelt them into iron bars. To do this, you will need to use a furnace. Here are some tips for smelting iron bars:- Use a ring of forging to guarantee successful smelting of iron ore into iron bars.- Use a Blast Furnace if you have 60 Smithing or higher. This will increase the speed at which you can smelt iron bars.- If you are using the furnace in Edgeville, make sure to bring coins to pay the furnace fee.

Choosing the Right Anvil

After smelting iron bars, you will need to use an anvil to create cannonball molds and then to craft cannonballs. The best anvil to use is the one located in Edgeville, right next to the furnace. This anvil is easily accessible and close to a bank.

Crafting Cannonballs Efficiently

Crafting cannonballs efficiently requires some preparation and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you craft cannonballs quickly:- Have all the materials needed in your inventory before starting.- Use a nearby bank to store cannonballs as you make them.- Use a mouse key to speed up the process of crafting cannonballs.

Maximizing Your Profits

Making cannonballs can be quite profitable if done correctly. Here are some tips to help you maximize your profits:- Sell cannonballs at the Grand Exchange for the best prices.- Keep an eye on the market to determine when to sell your cannonballs.- Consider using a Cannonball Smelting Calculator to determine the most profitable way to make cannonballs.

Importance of Stamina Potions

Stamina potions are essential when making cannonballs. They increase your run energy, allowing you to move between mining rocks and the furnace more quickly. Here are some tips for using stamina potions:- Bring multiple doses of stamina potions to ensure you have enough.- Drink a dose of stamina potion when your run energy falls below 50%.

Alternative Methods to Obtain Cannonballs

If you do not want to go through the process of making cannonballs, there are alternative methods to obtain them. You can buy them from other players or purchase them from the Grand Exchange. However, buying cannonballs is usually more expensive than making them yourself.In conclusion, making cannonballs in OSRS can be a lucrative and satisfying activity. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can craft cannonballs efficiently and maximize your profits. Remember to use the right furnace, gather the necessary materials, and use stamina potions to increase your efficiency. With these strategies in mind, you'll be well on your way to becoming a cannonball-making expert in Old School RuneScape.

The Best Place to Make Cannonballs in OSRS: A Point of View


Cannonballs are an essential item for players in Old School Runescape (OSRS) who want to use the Dwarf multicannon. These balls can be made by using steel bars on a furnace with an ammo mould. However, players must decide where to make these cannonballs to maximize their efficiency. In this article, we will discuss the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS and the pros and cons associated with it.

The Best Place to Make Cannonballs in OSRS

The Blast Furnace located in Keldagrim is considered the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS. This location offers several advantages over other places, making it the most efficient option for players. The following are some of the benefits of making cannonballs at the Blast Furnace:


  1. The Blast Furnace has a high success rate, which means players can make cannonballs faster and without wasting resources.
  2. Players can use the nearby bank to withdraw steel bars and deposit cannonballs without leaving the area, saving time and increasing efficiency.
  3. The Blast Furnace is located in a multi-combat zone, which means players can work together to make cannonballs, further increasing efficiency.
  4. Players can receive a discount on the cost of smelting steel bars if they use the Blast Furnace, saving them money in the long run.


  1. Players must have completed the quest The Giant Dwarf to access the Blast Furnace, which may be a challenge for new players or those who haven't completed the quest yet.
  2. The Blast Furnace requires players to pay a fee of 72,000 coins every hour to use it, which can be expensive for some players.
  3. Players must have a minimum Smithing level of 35 to use the Blast Furnace to make cannonballs, which may be a disadvantage for those who haven't trained their Smithing skill yet.

Comparison Table

To summarize the pros and cons of making cannonballs in different locations, we have created the following comparison table:
Location Pros Cons
Blast Furnace
  • High success rate
  • Nearby bank
  • Multi-combat zone
  • Discount on smelting cost
  • Requires completed quest
  • Expensive hourly fee
  • Minimum Smithing level
Edgeville furnace
  • Close to bank
  • Low success rate
  • Not multi-combat zone
  • No discount on smelting cost
Port Phasmatys furnace
  • Close to bank and furnace
  • Requires completion of Ghosts Ahoy quest
  • Low success rate
  • Not multi-combat zone
  • No discount on smelting cost


In conclusion, the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim is the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS due to its high success rate, nearby bank, multi-combat zone, and discount on smelting cost. However, players must weigh the pros and cons of each location to determine which option works best for them based on their skill level and available resources.

The Best Place to Make Cannonballs in OSRS

Hello and welcome, fellow OSRS players! In this article, we will be discussing the best place to make cannonballs in the game. As you may know, cannonballs are an essential item for any player looking to train their Ranged skill quickly. They are also a valuable item that can be sold on the Grand Exchange for a significant profit.

Before getting into the details of where to make cannonballs, let's first discuss what they are and how they are made. Cannonballs are metal balls that are used as ammunition for the Dwarf multicannon. To make a cannonball, players need to use a steel bar on a furnace while having the appropriate amount of coal in their inventory. This will create four cannonballs per steel bar used.

Now, let's get to the good stuff – where is the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS?

The answer to this question is the Blast Furnace located in Keldagrim. The Blast Furnace is a minigame that requires players to pay a fee to use its facilities. However, the benefits of using the Blast Furnace to make cannonballs far outweigh the cost of admission.

Firstly, the Blast Furnace allows players to smelt their steel bars at a much faster rate than a regular furnace. This means that players can make more cannonballs per hour, resulting in a quicker leveling of their Ranged skill or a higher profit margin from selling the cannonballs.

Secondly, the Blast Furnace has a designated area for making cannonballs, which is conveniently located near the bank. This makes it easy for players to deposit their finished cannonballs and retrieve more steel bars and coal without wasting precious time running across the city.

Thirdly, the Blast Furnace has a unique feature called the cooler, which reduces the amount of coal needed to make each cannonball. This means that players can save money on coal while still being able to make the same amount of cannonballs as they would at a regular furnace.

So, how does one go about using the Blast Furnace to make cannonballs in OSRS?

Firstly, players will need to have completed the Giant Dwarf quest to gain access to Keldagrim. Once in Keldagrim, players can make their way to the Blast Furnace and pay the fee to use its facilities. It is important to note that the fee varies depending on the player's Smithing level, with higher level players paying less.

Once inside the Blast Furnace, players should head over to the designated area for making cannonballs. Here, they can use their steel bars on the furnace while having the appropriate amount of coal in their inventory to create cannonballs. Players should remember to use the cooler to save on coal whenever possible.

After making a batch of cannonballs, players can easily deposit them in the nearby bank and retrieve more materials to continue making more. It is recommended that players bring enough coal and steel bars to last for at least an hour of continuous cannonball making to maximize their time and profits.

In conclusion, the Blast Furnace located in Keldagrim is by far the best place to make cannonballs in OSRS. Its fast smelting speed, convenient location, and coal-saving cooler make it the ideal spot for any player looking to train their Ranged skill or make a profit from selling cannonballs. So what are you waiting for? Head over to Keldagrim and start making some cannonballs!

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope you found it helpful. Remember to always have fun and stay safe while playing OSRS!

People Also Ask About Best Place to Make Cannonballs OSRS

1. Where is the best place to mine coal for cannonballs in OSRS?

The best place to mine coal for cannonballs in OSRS is the Mining Guild, located in Falador. There are 37 coal rocks in the guild, allowing players to mine coal faster than in other locations.

2. What level do you need to make cannonballs in OSRS?

To make cannonballs in OSRS, you need to have a Smithing level of 35 and complete the Dwarf Cannon quest. This will allow you to use a furnace and steel bars to create cannonballs.

3. Can you buy cannonballs in OSRS?

Yes, you can buy cannonballs in OSRS from the Blast Furnace Foreman in Keldagrim or the Dwarf Cannon Engineer in the Dwarf Cannon quest area. However, it is generally more cost-effective to make your own cannonballs.

4. What is the best way to make cannonballs in OSRS?

The best way to make cannonballs in OSRS is to use the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim. With the appropriate Smithing level and materials, the Blast Furnace allows you to smelt steel bars into cannonballs at a faster rate than using a regular furnace.

5. How many cannonballs can you make per hour in OSRS?

The number of cannonballs you can make per hour in OSRS depends on your Smithing level and the method you use. On average, using the Blast Furnace and having a high Smithing level can allow you to make up to 1,000 cannonballs per hour.

6. What is the cost of making cannonballs in OSRS?

The cost of making cannonballs in OSRS varies depending on the current prices of materials. Generally, it is cheaper to mine your own coal and buy steel bars rather than buying both materials. On average, making 1,000 cannonballs can cost around 200k-300k coins.