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Top Picks from Imus in the Morning Show: The Best Entertainment and Insights for Your Daily Commute

Top Picks from Imus in the Morning Show: The Best Entertainment and Insights for Your Daily Commute

Discover the funniest and most memorable moments from Imus in the Morning. From interviews to skits, this show is sure to make you laugh!

For over two decades, Imus in the Morning has been one of the most beloved radio shows in America. Hosted by the legendary Don Imus, this show was a staple for millions of listeners across the country. Whether you were driving to work, getting ready for your day, or just relaxing at home, tuning into Imus in the Morning was a surefire way to start your day off on the right foot.

One of the things that made Imus in the Morning so special was the incredible cast of characters that Don had assembled over the years. From his co-hosts to his regular guests, each member of the Imus family brought something unique and special to the table. Whether it was the wit and wisdom of Bernie McGuirk, the political insight of Charles McCord, or the hilarious antics of Larry Kenney, there was never a dull moment on this show.

Another thing that set Imus in the Morning apart from other radio shows was its willingness to tackle tough topics head-on. Don wasn't afraid to speak his mind on controversial issues, and he always encouraged his guests to do the same. Whether it was politics, sports, or entertainment, no topic was off-limits on this show.

Of course, one of the biggest draws of Imus in the Morning was Don himself. With his quick wit, sharp tongue, and irreverent sense of humor, Don was the heart and soul of this show. He had a way of making even the most mundane topics seem interesting, and his ability to connect with his audience was second to none.

Over the years, Imus in the Morning became more than just a radio show. It was a cultural phenomenon, a part of the fabric of American life. People from all walks of life tuned in every morning to hear what Don and his crew had to say, and they were never disappointed.

Despite its immense popularity, Imus in the Morning wasn't without its controversies. Don was known for making off-color jokes and saying things that some people found offensive. However, he always owned up to his mistakes and was quick to apologize when necessary.

Ultimately, what made Imus in the Morning so special was its ability to bring people together. No matter who you were or where you came from, you could always find something to relate to on this show. It was a place where people could come together and laugh, learn, and engage with each other in a way that was truly unique.

Although the show is no longer on the air, its legacy lives on. Imus in the Morning will always be remembered as one of the greatest radio shows of all time, a true masterpiece of entertainment that captured the hearts and minds of millions of people across the country. So here's to Don, Bernie, Charles, and the rest of the Imus family. Thanks for the memories.


Imus in the Morning was a radio show hosted by Don Imus that aired from 1971 to 2018. The show featured political commentary, interviews with celebrities and athletes, and comedic skits. Despite its controversial moments, Imus in the Morning had a devoted following, and many fans still remember it fondly today. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best moments from the show.

Tom Brokaw Interview

In 1997, Don Imus interviewed Tom Brokaw, the legendary news anchor for NBC News. Brokaw had just released a book about his experiences covering the Vietnam War, and Imus asked him about his own experiences during that time. The conversation was thoughtful and engaging, with both men sharing their perspectives on the war and its impact on American society.

Howard Stern Feud

Don Imus and Howard Stern were two of the biggest names in radio during the 1990s, and they often traded barbs on the air. The feud came to a head in 1996 when Imus called Stern a scumbag during one of his shows. Stern responded by playing a tape of Imus making racially insensitive comments, which led to a public apology from Imus. The feud continued for several years, but eventually the two men made peace.

Imus Ranch

Don Imus was a big supporter of children with cancer, and he founded the Imus Ranch in 1999 as a way to raise money for cancer research. The ranch was a working cattle ranch in New Mexico that offered children with cancer and other illnesses the opportunity to spend time with animals and experience the outdoors. The ranch was a huge success, raising millions of dollars for cancer research over the years.

Controversial Comments

Despite his charitable work and loyal fan base, Don Imus was no stranger to controversy. In 2007, he made racially charged comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team that led to his firing from CBS Radio. The incident sparked a national conversation about race and free speech, and Imus was eventually able to return to the airwaves with a new show on WABC Radio.

Political Commentary

Don Imus was known for his sharp political commentary, and he often had high-profile guests on his show to discuss current events. He was particularly critical of the Bush administration during the Iraq War, and he frequently interviewed politicians from both parties to get their perspectives on the issues of the day.

Comedic Skits

One of the hallmarks of Imus in the Morning was its comedic skits, which often featured the show's cast members impersonating celebrities and politicians. Some of the most popular skits included Imus in the Evening, a parody of Larry King Live, and The Reverend Billy Sol Hargis, a spoof of televangelists.

Guest Interviews

Don Imus was known for his ability to get high-profile guests on his show, and he interviewed everyone from politicians to rock stars to athletes. Some of the most memorable interviews included conversations with Bill Clinton, Keith Richards, and John McCain.

Imus' Health Issues

In 2009, Don Imus announced that he had been diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer. He took a leave of absence from his show to undergo treatment, but he returned to the airwaves later that year after his cancer went into remission. In 2011, he suffered a minor stroke on the air, but he was able to continue hosting his show with the help of his co-hosts.

Imus' Retirement

In March 2018, Don Imus announced that he would be retiring from his show at the end of the year. He cited health reasons for his decision, and he expressed gratitude for his loyal listeners over the years. The final episode of Imus in the Morning aired on December 14, 2018, marking the end of an era in radio broadcasting.


Don Imus left a lasting legacy in the world of radio broadcasting, and his fans still remember him fondly today. While there were certainly controversial moments during his career, there were also many moments of insight, humor, and compassion. Whether he was interviewing a politician, impersonating a celebrity, or raising money for cancer research, Don Imus always brought his unique style and perspective to the airwaves.

The Best of Imus in the Morning

For over three decades, Imus in the Morning was a staple in American radio and television. Hosted by Don Imus, the show became known for its irreverent humor, controversial commentary, and unforgettable interviews with celebrities and politicians alike.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the funniest moments, most memorable rants, and top musical performances from Imus in the Morning. We'll also explore how Imus tackled tough issues with humor, examine the best skits and parodies on the show, and delve into the most controversial moments in Imus in the Morning history.

The Funniest Moments on Imus in the Morning

One thing that set Imus in the Morning apart from other talk shows was its ability to make audiences laugh. Whether it was through clever one-liners, hilarious impersonations, or just plain old-fashioned goofiness, Imus and his team knew how to bring the funny.

One of the most famous recurring bits on the show was Larry King Live, in which Imus would impersonate the legendary CNN anchor and interview celebrities using ridiculous questions and non-sequiturs. Some of the best moments from this segment include Imus asking Kevin Bacon if he'd ever been to Turkey, and quizzing Martha Stewart about her knowledge of heavy metal music.

Another classic bit was Bernard's Briefing, in which Imus' producer Bernard McGuirk would deliver satirical news stories and outrageous commentary. One memorable moment came when McGuirk argued that the United States should start a war with Canada, because we could take them in a weekend.

Unforgettable Interviews with Celebrities

Imus in the Morning was known for its ability to attract big-name guests from the worlds of politics, entertainment, and sports. Over the years, Imus interviewed everyone from Bill Clinton to Bruce Springsteen to Mike Tyson.

One of the most memorable interviews came in 2004, when Imus spoke with Howard Stern about his move from terrestrial radio to satellite. The conversation was candid, hilarious, and at times even touching, as the two radio icons discussed their careers, their families, and their struggles with addiction.

Another unforgettable moment came when Imus interviewed comedian Richard Pryor. Despite Pryor's reputation for being a difficult interview subject, Imus managed to get him to open up about his personal life and his struggles with drug addiction. The result was a revealing and poignant conversation that showcased both men's talents as conversationalists.

How Imus Tackled Tough Issues with Humor

Although Imus in the Morning was known for its humor, the show also tackled serious topics from time to time. Whether it was discussing politics, religion, or social issues, Imus and his team always tried to inject some levity into the conversation.

One example of this came when Imus interviewed former Secretary of State Colin Powell about his support for the Iraq War. Rather than getting bogged down in policy details, Imus asked Powell if he had any good jokes to tell, which led to a lighthearted and entertaining exchange.

Another instance of Imus using humor to address a serious issue came when he discussed the controversy over the use of the word nappy to describe African-American hair. Imus and his team created a fake public service announcement in which they urged people to stop using the word, but then proceeded to use it repeatedly in increasingly absurd ways. The skit was provocative, but also managed to make a serious point about the power of language.

The Best Skits and Parodies on the Show

Imus in the Morning was famous for its hilarious skits and parodies, which ranged from spot-on impersonations of politicians and celebrities to absurdly silly send-ups of pop culture trends.

One of the most popular recurring skits was Tony Powell, the Sports Genius, in which Imus' producer Tony Powell would deliver deadpan commentary on sports events using ridiculous analogies and bizarre non-sequiturs. For example, he once described a football game as being like watching a rhinoceros try to dance the tango.

Another fan favorite was The Great Moments in Presidential Speeches segment, in which Imus and his team would take real speeches by Presidents past and present and add their own comedic twist. One memorable moment came when they took a speech by George W. Bush and dubbed in lines from the movie Anchorman, creating a hilarious mash-up that had listeners in stitches.

Imus' Most Memorable Rants and Raves

Imus was known for his outspoken opinions on a wide range of topics, and he wasn't afraid to use his platform to express them. Whether he was railing against political correctness, criticizing the media, or just venting his frustration at the world in general, Imus always had something to say.

One of his most memorable rants came in 2007, when he criticized the Rutgers women's basketball team for their appearance, using a racial slur in the process. The comments sparked a firestorm of controversy and led to Imus being suspended from the airwaves for two weeks. Although he later apologized for the remarks, the incident remains one of the most controversial moments in Imus in the Morning history.

Another memorable moment came when Imus ranted about the state of modern music, calling contemporary pop stars talentless hacks and lamenting the decline of rock and roll. The rant was classic Imus, combining his love of music with his tendency towards curmudgeonly grumpiness.

The Top Musical Performances on the Show

Although Imus in the Morning wasn't primarily a music show, it did feature some truly memorable musical performances over the years. From up-and-coming indie bands to legendary rock icons, Imus had a knack for booking great musical guests.

One of the most memorable performances came when Bruce Springsteen played a solo acoustic set on the show in 1995. The Boss played several songs from his then-new album The Ghost of Tom Joad, as well as a few classics from his back catalog. The performance was intimate, emotional, and showcased Springsteen's skills as both a songwriter and a performer.

Another standout musical moment came when the band Wilco played a set on the show in 2002. At the time, Wilco was riding high on the success of their critically acclaimed album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and their performance on Imus in the Morning solidified their reputation as one of the best bands of the early 2000s.

The Most Controversial Moments in Imus in the Morning History

As we've already mentioned, Imus in the Morning was no stranger to controversy. Over the years, the show courted controversy through its humor, its opinions, and its guests.

One of the most infamous moments in the show's history came in 1998, when Imus interviewed the notorious white supremacist David Duke. The interview was widely criticized for giving Duke a platform to spread his hateful views, and led to calls for Imus to be fired from his job. Although he defended the interview at the time, Imus later expressed regret for having Duke on the show.

Another controversial moment came in 2004, when Imus referred to a group of African-American women as nappy-headed hos. The comments sparked widespread outrage and led to Imus being fired from his job. Although he later apologized for the remarks, the incident remains one of the most controversial moments in the history of American media.

The Guests Who Stole the Show

Although Imus was often the star of the show, he was always willing to share the spotlight with his guests. Over the years, there were many guests who managed to steal the show with their wit, charm, and larger-than-life personalities.

One such guest was comedian Chris Rock, who made several appearances on the show over the years. Rock's rapid-fire wit and irreverent humor always made for great radio, and his conversations with Imus were some of the show's funniest moments.

Another standout guest was musician Warren Zevon, who appeared on the show several times before his death in 2003. Zevon was known for his dry, sardonic wit, and his conversations with Imus were always entertaining and insightful.

Imus' Candid Conversations with Listeners

Although Imus in the Morning was a nationally syndicated show, it always had a local feel thanks to its frequent interactions with listeners. Whether it was through phone calls, emails, or in-studio visits, Imus and his team always made an effort to connect with their audience.

One great example of this came when Imus interviewed a group of firefighters who had responded to the attacks on 9/11. The conversation was emotional, heartfelt, and showcased Imus' ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

Another memorable moment came when Imus spoke with a listener named Fat Elvis, who was a regular caller to the show. Although Fat Elvis' real name was never revealed, he became a beloved figure among Imus fans thanks to his offbeat sense of humor and his willingness to play along with whatever hijinks Imus and his team had in store.

The Best Prank Calls and Caller Interactions

Finally, no retrospective of Imus in the Morning would be complete without mentioning the show's many prank calls and interactions with callers. Whether it was Imus' trademark gruffness with callers who disagreed with him, or the hilarious antics of regular callers like Moby Worm and Vinnie from Queens, the show always kept listeners on their toes.

One classic prank call came when Imus called up then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and pretended to be a constituent complaining about a pothole. Although the call was obviously a joke, Giuliani played along with it, showcasing his own sense of humor and giving listeners a rare glimpse of his lighter side.

Another great interaction came when Imus spoke with a caller named Porky Pig, who was a fan of the show but also a self-proclaimed white supremacist. The conversation was both hilarious and uncomfortable, as Imus tried to engage with Porky Pig while also calling out his racist views.


Imus in the Morning may be gone, but its legacy lives on. From its irreverent humor to its controversial commentary, the show was a one-of-a-kind mix of entertainment, information, and opinion. Whether you loved it or hated it, there's no denying that Imus in the Morning was one of the most influential and iconic radio shows of all time.

My Point of View on Best of Imus in the Morning

Pros of Best of Imus in the Morning

1. Entertaining: The Best of Imus in the Morning is a compilation of the best moments of the show, which makes it highly entertaining to listen to.

2. Variety: The Best of Imus in the Morning features a variety of segments, including interviews with celebrities, political discussions, and comedic skits, offering something for everyone.

3. Time Efficient: The Best of Imus in the Morning is a condensed version of the show, making it perfect for people who are short on time but still want to catch up on the highlights.

Cons of Best of Imus in the Morning

1. Lack of Fresh Content: The Best of Imus in the Morning is a compilation of previously aired segments, which means that there is no new content for regular listeners of the show.

2. Limited Interaction: The Best of Imus in the Morning does not offer the same level of interaction as the live show, which can be disappointing for fans who enjoy calling in or participating in discussions.

3. Repetitive: The Best of Imus in the Morning can become repetitive for regular listeners, as the same segments are often featured in multiple episodes.

Table Comparison of Best of Imus in the Morning vs. Live Show

Feature Best of Imus in the Morning Live Show
Entertainment Value High High
Variety High High
Fresh Content No Yes
Interaction Low High
Repetitive Yes No
Overall, the Best of Imus in the Morning offers a highly entertaining and time-efficient way to catch up on the highlights of the show. However, regular listeners may find it repetitive and miss the opportunity for interaction offered by the live show. Ultimately, whether to listen to the Best of Imus in the Morning or the live show depends on individual preferences and priorities.

Thank You for Visiting - The Best of Imus in the Morning

As we come to the end of this article on the best of Imus in the Morning, we want to take a moment to thank you for visiting and reading through our content. We hope that you found it informative, entertaining, and maybe even a little bit nostalgic.

Over the course of this article, we've delved into some of the most memorable moments from the legendary radio show that was Imus in the Morning. From his controversial comments and interviews to his hilarious skits and characters, there's no denying that Don Imus left an indelible mark on the world of radio and entertainment.

One of the things that made Imus in the Morning so special was its ability to draw in a diverse audience. Whether you were a diehard conservative or a staunch liberal, there was something about the show that kept you listening. It was a place where people from all walks of life could come together to laugh, debate, and maybe even learn a thing or two.

Of course, no discussion of Imus in the Morning would be complete without mentioning some of the show's most iconic moments. Who could forget the time he interviewed Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, or the time he got into a heated argument with Howard Stern? These moments and many others are what made Imus in the Morning such a cultural touchstone.

But as much as we may miss Imus in the Morning, it's important to remember that the world of radio and entertainment is constantly evolving. While there will never be another Don Imus, there are plenty of talented and innovative hosts out there who are carrying on his legacy in their own unique ways.

So, whether you're a longtime fan of Imus in the Morning or just discovering the show for the first time, we hope that this article has given you a deeper appreciation for what made the show so special. We encourage you to seek out some of the classic clips and interviews online, or even try tuning into some of the current radio shows that are carrying on Imus' tradition of fearless, no-holds-barred broadcasting.

Finally, we want to thank Don Imus himself for all of the laughs, debates, and unforgettable moments that he gave us over the years. While he may no longer be with us, his impact on the world of radio and entertainment will be felt for generations to come.

Thank you again for visiting, and we hope to see you back here soon for more great content on all things radio and entertainment!

People Also Ask About Best of Imus in the Morning

What is Best of Imus in the Morning?

Best of Imus in the Morning is a radio show that features highlights from the popular talk show, Imus in the Morning. It is a compilation of the funniest and most interesting moments from the show.

Who is Don Imus?

Don Imus was an American radio host, humorist, and philanthropist. He was known for his controversial and often humorous comments on current events, politics, and pop culture. Imus hosted the nationally syndicated talk show Imus in the Morning from 1971 until his retirement in 2018.

What makes Best of Imus in the Morning different from other radio shows?

Best of Imus in the Morning stands out from other radio shows because it offers a unique blend of humor, politics, and social commentary. Imus and his team of co-hosts and correspondents are known for their irreverent and often outrageous takes on the news of the day.

Where can I listen to Best of Imus in the Morning?

Best of Imus in the Morning is widely available on radio stations across the United States. It is also available through online streaming services and podcasts.

What are some of the best moments from Best of Imus in the Morning?

  • Imus's interviews with political figures like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John McCain
  • The Imus in the Morning cast's hilarious impressions of celebrities like Larry King, Rush Limbaugh, and Barack Obama
  • The show's regular features, such as Sports, News, and Weather

Is Best of Imus in the Morning appropriate for all audiences?

No, Best of Imus in the Morning is not appropriate for all audiences. The show features adult language, content that may be considered offensive or inappropriate, and controversial views on politics and social issues.