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Top 10 Best Heroes for Dominating the Battlefield of Eternity in 2021

Top 10 Best Heroes for Dominating the Battlefield of Eternity in 2021

Discover the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity! From ranged assassins to tanky warriors, we've got you covered. Dominate the battlefield today!

Battlefield of Eternity is one of the most exciting maps in Heroes of the Storm, and it is essential to have the right heroes on your team to win. The map is divided into two lanes with a massive central objective, which requires a great deal of teamwork and strategy. To emerge victorious, you need to choose heroes who can deal with sustained damage, burst damage, and provide crowd control. In this article, we will explore the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity and why they are crucial for your team's success.

Firstly, let's talk about the importance of assassins on this map. Assassins are known for their high damage output, making them the perfect choice for dealing with enemy heroes or structures. However, not all assassins are created equal, and some work better on Battlefield of Eternity than others. For example, Valla is an excellent pick because she has a mix of sustained and burst damage, making her versatile and effective in different situations.

Another critical hero for Battlefield of Eternity is the bruiser. These heroes have a mix of damage and survivability, making them ideal for pushing lanes and taking camps. One of the best bruisers for this map is Sonya, as she can deal with both enemy heroes and structures with ease. She also has excellent sustain through her Whirlwind ability, which allows her to stay in fights for longer periods.

Tanks are also vital for Battlefield of Eternity, as they are responsible for initiating team fights and protecting their teammates. One of the best tanks for this map is Johanna, as she has exceptional crowd control and the ability to soak up damage. Her Condemn ability can group enemies together, making it easier for your team to land important abilities and secure kills.

Support heroes are often overlooked in Heroes of the Storm, but they can make all the difference in team fights. For Battlefield of Eternity, you want a support hero who can provide sustained healing and utility. One of the best support heroes for this map is Brightwing, as she can heal multiple targets at once and has crowd control abilities that can disrupt enemy movements.

Now let's talk about specialists. These heroes are unique in that they have abilities that can change the course of a game. For Battlefield of Eternity, you want a specialist who can push lanes and deal with structures effectively. The best specialist for this map is Sylvanas, as she can disable enemy structures and minions, making it easier for your team to push lanes and take down fortifications.

When playing on Battlefield of Eternity, it is essential to have a balanced team composition. This means having a mix of assassins, bruisers, tanks, supports, and specialists. A well-balanced team can adapt to different situations and work together to secure objectives and win team fights.

Communication is also crucial when playing on Battlefield of Eternity. You need to coordinate with your team to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This means communicating when to engage or disengage, when to take camps, and when to go for the objective. A lack of communication can lead to missed opportunities and potential losses.

In addition to team composition and communication, it is essential to understand the map's mechanics. The central objective is the Immortal, which spawns in the middle of the map and alternates between spawning on the left and right lanes. The objective requires your team to deal damage to the enemy Immortal while protecting your own. The first team to destroy the enemy's Immortal wins the objective and gains a significant advantage.

Throughout the game, camps will spawn on either side of the map, providing additional benefits to your team. The Siege camp can push lanes and deal with structures, while the Bruiser camp can help defend against enemy pushes. It is important to take these camps at the right time to gain a strategic advantage.

In conclusion, Battlefield of Eternity is a challenging, but rewarding map in Heroes of the Storm. Choosing the right heroes for your team, communicating effectively, and understanding the map's mechanics are all essential for success. By following these tips, you can dominate on Battlefield of Eternity and lead your team to victory.


Battlefield of Eternity is one of the most popular maps in Heroes of the Storm. It is a two-lane map where teams fight to destroy the enemy team's Immortal. In order to win, you need to have a strong team composition that can deal with the enemy team's heroes as well as the Immortal. In this article, we will be discussing the best heroes to use on Battlefield of Eternity.

Assassin Heroes


Valla is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because she has high sustained damage and can also deal burst damage with her abilities. She is also very mobile, which makes her hard to catch. Her Hungering Arrow ability is excellent for poking down the enemy team's Immortal, while her Multishot ability can hit multiple enemies at once.


Greymane is another great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has both ranged and melee abilities. He can deal a lot of damage in his Worgen form, which makes him great for bursting down the enemy team's Immortal. He is also very mobile, which makes him hard to catch.


Lunara is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because she has high sustained damage and can also deal damage over time with her abilities. Her Nature's Toxin ability is excellent for poking down the enemy team's Immortal, while her Thornwood Vine ability can hit multiple enemies at once.

Warrior Heroes


Artanis is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has high sustained damage and can also soak up a lot of damage. His Shield Overload ability allows him to stay in fights for longer, while his Twin Blades of Fury ability allows him to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time.


Arthas is another great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has high sustained damage and can also soak up a lot of damage. His Frostmourne Hungers ability allows him to heal himself while dealing damage, which makes him very hard to kill. He also has a lot of crowd control abilities, which makes him great for disrupting the enemy team's positioning.


Muradin is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has a lot of crowd control abilities. His Storm Bolt ability allows him to stun a single enemy, while his Thunder Clap ability can slow multiple enemies at once. He is also very tanky, which makes him great for soaking up damage.

Support Heroes


Malfurion is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has a lot of healing abilities. His Regrowth ability can heal a single target over time, while his Tranquility ability can heal multiple targets at once. He also has a lot of crowd control abilities, which makes him great for disrupting the enemy team's positioning.


Tyrande is another great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because she has a lot of healing abilities as well as damage dealing abilities. Her Lunar Flare ability can stun a single enemy, while her Hunter's Mark ability can increase the damage dealt to a single enemy. She also has a lot of crowd control abilities, which makes her great for disrupting the enemy team's positioning.


Uther is a great hero to use on Battlefield of Eternity because he has a lot of healing abilities as well as crowd control abilities. His Holy Light ability can heal a single target for a large amount, while his Divine Shield ability can make a single target invulnerable for a short amount of time. He also has a lot of crowd control abilities, which makes him great for disrupting the enemy team's positioning.


These are just a few of the best heroes to use on Battlefield of Eternity. Each hero has their own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the right hero for your team composition. Remember, teamwork is key to winning on this map, so make sure to communicate with your team and work together to take down the enemy team's Immortal.

Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity: Key Players for VictoryBattlefield of Eternity is one of the most popular maps in Heroes of the Storm. It is a two-lane battleground where two teams battle over a powerful immortal that spawns in the center of the map. The team that defeats the enemy immortal earns a powerful ally that helps them push the enemy's base. However, winning a match on this map requires teamwork, coordination, and a solid understanding of the game's mechanics. In this article, we'll discuss the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity, including tank heroes to withstand heavy damage, heroes with crowd control abilities for team fights, assassins with high burst damage for quick kills, healers to keep the team alive during extended fights, heroes with global presence for map control, specialists for unique utility and objective control, heroes with mobility to maneuver around the map, ranged heroes for safe damage output, melee heroes for up-close and personal combat, and heroes with strong solo-laning abilities.

Tank Heroes to Withstand Heavy Damage

The tank role is crucial in any team composition, especially in Battlefield of Eternity, where the enemy immortal can deal massive damage to players. A good tank must have high durability and the ability to engage or disengage from fights. The following are some of the best tank heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Johanna

Johanna is a melee warrior who excels at soaking damage and controlling enemy movements. She has a trait called Iron Skin, which makes her immune to stuns, roots, and silences for a short period, allowing her to escape from dangerous situations. Her Condemn ability pulls enemies towards her, making them vulnerable to her team's attacks. Additionally, her Blessed Shield ultimate ability stuns multiple enemies in a large area, making her an excellent initiator in team fights.

2. Muradin

Muradin is a versatile melee warrior who can both deal and absorb damage. He has a trait called Second Wind, which allows him to regenerate health when out of combat. His Storm Bolt ability stuns an enemy, allowing him and his team to follow up with attacks. His Avatar ultimate ability increases his size and health, making him a formidable presence in team fights.

3. E.T.C.

E.T.C. is a melee warrior who specializes in crowd control. His Powerslide ability stuns enemies in a line, while his Face Melt ability knocks them back, disrupting their movements. His Mosh Pit ultimate ability stuns multiple enemies in a large area, making him a powerful initiator in team fights. Additionally, he can heal himself and nearby allies with his Guitar Solo ability.

Heroes with Crowd Control Abilities for Team Fights

Crowd control (CC) abilities are crucial in team fights, as they allow players to disable and disrupt their opponents' movements. The following are some of the best heroes with CC abilities for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Anub'arak

Anub'arak is a melee warrior who excels at engaging and disrupting enemies. His Impale ability damages and stuns enemies in a line, while his Burrow Charge ability allows him to tunnel underground and reemerge at a targeted location, surprising his opponents. His Cocoon ultimate ability can trap an enemy hero in a cocoon, rendering them unable to move or act.

2. Brightwing

Brightwing is a ranged support hero who can both heal and CC enemies. Her Polymorph ability turns an enemy hero into a harmless critter, making them unable to attack or use abilities. Her Emerald Wind ultimate ability pushes enemies away from her, disrupting their movements and giving her team an opportunity to reposition.

3. Arthas

Arthas is a melee warrior who can both deal damage and control enemy movements. His Howling Blast ability roots enemies in a large area, while his Frozen Tempest ability slows down their movements. His Army of the Dead ultimate ability summons ghouls that attack enemies and heal him.

Assassins with High Burst Damage for Quick Kills

Assassins are heroes who specialize in dealing high burst damage to enemy heroes, often killing them quickly before they can react. The following are some of the best assassins for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Jaina

Jaina is a ranged mage who can deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once. Her Cone of Cold ability slows down enemies and deals damage, while her Blizzard ability damages enemies in a large area. Her Ring of Frost ultimate ability freezes enemies in a large area, making them vulnerable to her team's attacks.

2. Greymane

Greymane is a melee assassin who can switch between ranged and melee modes, allowing him to adapt to different situations. His Razor Swipe ability damages multiple enemies in a cone, while his Go for the Throat ultimate ability allows him to quickly jump on an enemy and deal massive damage.

3. Li-Ming

Li-Ming is a ranged mage who can deal massive damage to single targets. Her Magic Missiles ability fires multiple projectiles at an enemy, while her Disintegrate ultimate ability channels a beam that deals massive damage to a single target.

Healers to Keep the Team Alive During Extended Fights

Healers are heroes who specialize in keeping their team alive during extended fights. They can heal, shield, and cleanse their allies, allowing them to stay in the fight longer. The following are some of the best healers for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Uther

Uther is a melee support hero who can both heal and CC enemies. He has a trait called Eternal Devotion, which allows him to continue healing his allies even after he dies. His Holy Light ability heals a single ally, while his Divine Storm ultimate ability stuns enemies in a large area.

2. Malfurion

Malfurion is a ranged support hero who excels at healing and sustaining his allies. His Regrowth ability heals an ally over time, while his Tranquility ultimate ability heals all nearby allies over time.

3. Lucio

Lucio is a ranged support hero who can both heal and boost his team's movement speed. His Crossfade ability switches between healing and speed boost modes, while his Sound Barrier ultimate ability provides a shield to all nearby allies.

Heroes with Global Presence for Map Control

Global heroes are heroes who can quickly move around the map, allowing them to exert pressure on different lanes and objectives. The following are some of the best global heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Falstad

Falstad is a ranged assassin who can fly to any location on the map, making him an excellent ganker and split-pusher. His Hammerang ability damages and slows enemies, while his Mighty Gust ultimate ability pushes enemies away from him.

2. Dehaka

Dehaka is a melee warrior who can burrow underground and reemerge at any location on the map, making him an excellent ganker and split-pusher. His Drag ability pulls enemies towards him, while his Isolation ultimate ability silences and slows down a single enemy.

3. Brightwing

Brightwing, as mentioned earlier, can teleport to any ally hero on the map, allowing her to quickly join team fights or save allies in danger.

Specialists for Unique Utility and Objective Control

Specialists are heroes who specialize in unique utility and objective control. They can push lanes, capture camps, and provide vision for their team. The following are some of the best specialists for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Zagara

Zagara is a ranged specialist who can summon zerg units to push lanes and capture camps. Her Baneling Barrage ability damages and slows enemies, while her Devouring Maw ultimate ability swallows enemies in a large area, making them unable to act.

2. Nazeebo

Nazeebo is a ranged specialist who can summon zombies and spiders to push lanes and deal damage. His Corpse Spiders ability summons spiders that attack enemies, while his Ravenous Spirit ultimate ability channels a beam that damages enemies in a large area.

3. Sylvanas

Sylvanas is a ranged specialist who can disable enemy structures and minions. Her Shadow Dagger ability spreads a debuff to nearby enemies, while her Wailing Arrow ultimate ability silences and damages enemies in a large area.

Heroes with Mobility to Maneuver Around the Map

Mobile heroes are heroes who can quickly move around the map, allowing them to escape danger or chase down enemies. The following are some of the best mobile heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Tracer

Tracer is a ranged assassin who can blink and recall, allowing her to dodge attacks and reposition quickly. Her Pulse Bomb ultimate ability attaches a bomb to an enemy hero that explodes after a short delay, dealing massive damage.

2. Genji

Genji is a melee assassin who can jump and dash, allowing him to evade attacks and move around quickly. His Dragonblade ultimate ability increases his attack speed and damage, making him a formidable duelist.

3. Falstad

Falstad, as mentioned earlier, can fly to any location on the map, allowing him to quickly join team fights or escape danger.

Ranged Heroes for Safe Damage Output

Ranged heroes are heroes who can deal damage from a safe distance, allowing them to avoid danger while dealing damage. The following are some of the best ranged heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Valla

Valla is a ranged assassin who can deal both single-target and area-of-effect damage. Her Multishot ability damages enemies in a cone, while her Rain of Vengeance ultimate ability stuns enemies in a large area.

2. Raynor

Raynor is a ranged assassin who can deal consistent damage over time. His Penetrating Round ability damages and knocks back enemies, while his Hyperion ultimate ability damages enemies in a large area.

3. Cassia

Cassia is a ranged assassin who can deal massive damage to enemy heroes. Her Lightning Fury ability damages enemies in a line, while her Valkyrie ultimate ability pulls an enemy hero towards her, making them vulnerable to her team's attacks.

Melee Heroes for Up-Close and Personal Combat

Melee heroes are heroes who must get up close and personal with their enemies to deal damage, making them vulnerable to attacks. The following are some of the best melee heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Illidan

Illidan is a melee assassin who can deal consistent damage over time and evade attacks. His Sweeping Strike ability damages enemies in a line, while his Metamorphosis ultimate ability transforms him into a demon, increasing his health and damage.

2. Sonya

Sonya is a melee warrior who can both deal and absorb damage. Her Seismic Slam ability damages enemies in a cone, while her Leap ultimate ability allows her to jump on an enemy and stun them.

3. Butcher

Butcher is a melee assassin who can deal massive damage to single targets. His Hamstring ability slows down an enemy, while his Furnace Blast ultimate ability deals massive damage in a large area.

Heroes with Strong Solo-Laning Abilities

Solo-laning heroes are heroes who can push lanes and capture camps without the help of their team. The following are some of the best solo-laning heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Xul

Xul is a melee specialist who can summon skeletons to push lanes and deal damage. His Bone Prison ability roots an enemy hero, making them vulnerable to his attacks. His Poison Nova ultimate ability damages enemies in a large area over time.

2. Gazlowe

Gazlowe is a ranged specialist who can set up turrets and traps to push lanes and control objectives. His Deth Lazor ability channels a beam that damages enemies, while his Grav-O-Bomb 3000 ultimate ability pulls enemies towards a target location and stuns them.

3. Zeratul

Zeratul is a melee assassin who can quickly move around the map and deal massive damage to single targets. His Cleave ability damages enemies in a cone, while his Void Prison ultimate ability traps enemies in stasis, allowing his team to reposition and engage.In conclusion, winning on Battlefield of Eternity requires a well-rounded team composition that can withstand heavy damage, control enemy movements, deal high burst damage, sustain allies, control objectives, and move around the map quickly. By picking the right heroes for each role, players can increase their chances of victory and dominate their opponents.

The Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or biases when it comes to choosing the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity. However, based on statistical analysis and gameplay mechanics, certain heroes stand out as ideal choices for this particular map.

Pros and Cons of Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity

Below are some pros and cons of the top heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:

1. Valla

  • Valla is a ranged assassin who deals high damage to enemy heroes and structures.
  • She has mobility skills that allow her to quickly move around the map and escape danger.
  • Her Hungering Arrow ability is especially effective against the Immortal, dealing massive damage if aimed correctly.
  • Valla is relatively squishy and can be easily killed if caught out of position.
  • She does not have any crowd control abilities, making her vulnerable to ganks and ambushes.
  • Her reliance on skill shots means that she requires a high level of accuracy and precision to be effective.

2. Sonya

  • Sonya is a warrior who excels at soaking up damage and engaging in team fights.
  • Her Whirlwind ability allows her to deal area-of-effect damage to enemies and heal herself at the same time.
  • Her Ancient Spear ability is a powerful gap-closer that can pull enemy heroes into range for her other attacks.
  • Sonya is not as effective at taking down structures as some other heroes.
  • She can struggle against enemies with high burst damage or crowd control abilities.
  • Her reliance on Fury (a resource that she generates by dealing and taking damage) means that she can be vulnerable if she runs out of resources in the middle of a fight.

3. Li-Ming

  • Li-Ming is a ranged mage who deals massive amounts of burst damage to enemy heroes.
  • Her Teleport ability allows her to quickly move around the battlefield and escape danger.
  • Her Disintegrate heroic ability is especially effective against the Immortal, dealing massive damage if aimed correctly.
  • Li-Ming is relatively squishy and can be easily killed if caught out of position.
  • She does not have any crowd control abilities, making her vulnerable to ganks and ambushes.
  • Her reliance on skill shots means that she requires a high level of accuracy and precision to be effective.

Table Comparison of Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity

Below is a table comparing the top heroes for Battlefield of Eternity:
VallaRanged AssassinHigh damage, mobility skills, strong against ImmortalSquishy, no crowd control, requires high skill
SonyaWarriorTankiness, sustain, good engageWeaker against structures, vulnerable to burst damage and CC, resource management
Li-MingRanged MageBurst damage, mobility skills, strong against ImmortalSquishy, no crowd control, requires high skill
Overall, the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity are those who can deal high damage to the Immortal, soak up damage from enemy heroes, and engage in team fights effectively. Valla, Sonya, and Li-Ming fit these criteria well, but each has their own strengths and weaknesses that must be taken into account when choosing a hero for this map.

The Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity. We hope that the information provided will help you make informed decisions when choosing heroes for this particular battleground.

As we have discussed, the key to success in Battlefield of Eternity is to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy Immortal while protecting your own. With this in mind, there are several heroes that can excel in this battleground and give you a competitive edge.

Firstly, we highly recommend heroes with strong single-target damage, such as Greymane, Valla, or Raynor. These heroes can deal significant damage to the enemy Immortal and quickly take it down, especially with the help of a coordinated team.

Another hero who is highly effective in this battleground is Li-Ming. Her long-range abilities can deal devastating damage to the enemy team, while her teleportation ability allows her to reposition quickly and avoid danger.

Additionally, heroes with strong crowd control abilities, such as Diablo, E.T.C., or Johanna, can be incredibly valuable in Battlefield of Eternity. These heroes can disrupt the enemy team's movements and prevent them from attacking your Immortal, giving your team an advantage in the battle.

Furthermore, heroes with strong sustain and self-healing abilities, such as Sonya, Thrall, or Malthael, can be very useful in this battleground. These heroes can survive for longer periods of time in team fights and deal consistent damage to the enemy Immortal.

It is also important to note that heroes with global mobility, such as Falstad or Dehaka, can be incredibly valuable in Battlefield of Eternity. These heroes can quickly move between lanes and provide support to their team, or even sneakily attack the enemy Immortal when they least expect it.

When selecting heroes for Battlefield of Eternity, it is important to consider your team composition and choose heroes that complement each other's strengths. A well-rounded team with a mix of damage dealers, tanks, and healers can be incredibly effective in this battleground.

Furthermore, teamwork and communication are key to success in Battlefield of Eternity. Make sure to coordinate with your team, focus your attacks on the enemy Immortal, and protect your own at all costs.

In conclusion, we hope this article has provided you with valuable information on the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity. Remember to choose heroes with strong single-target damage, crowd control abilities, sustain and self-healing, and global mobility, and to work together as a team to achieve victory in this intense battleground.

Thank you once again for reading, and we wish you the best of luck in your future battles in the Nexus!

People Also Ask About Best Heroes for Battlefield of Eternity

What is Battlefield of Eternity?

Battlefield of Eternity is a two-lane battleground in the video game Heroes of the Storm. It is one of the most popular and challenging maps in the game.

How do you win in Battlefield of Eternity?

To win in Battlefield of Eternity, your team needs to destroy the enemy's Immortal before they destroy yours. The Immortal is a powerful boss that spawns in the center of the map and attacks the enemy's structures.

What are the best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity?

The best heroes for Battlefield of Eternity are those who have strong single-target damage and can quickly take down the enemy's Immortal. Some of the top picks include:

  1. Valla - a ranged assassin with high mobility and damage output
  2. Greymane - a melee assassin who can switch between human and werewolf form for burst damage
  3. Raynor - a ranged assassin with consistent damage and self-sustain
  4. Sonya - a bruiser who excels at taking down objectives and has great sustain
  5. Li-Ming - a ranged mage with high burst damage and mobility

What role should I play in Battlefield of Eternity?

In Battlefield of Eternity, it's important to have a balanced team composition. Generally, you want to have a tank, a healer, and a mix of assassins and specialists. If you're not sure what role to play, communicate with your team and fill in any gaps.

How do I coordinate with my team in Battlefield of Eternity?

Communication is key in Battlefield of Eternity. Make sure to call out when the enemy Immortal is about to spawn, and coordinate with your team to take it down quickly. You should also be aware of your team's positioning and try to stay together to avoid getting picked off by the enemy.